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According to the Köppen classification, the GMRB belongs to the Aw (tropical wet and dry) group (Pinheiro et al., 2012). Furthermore, climate within the GMRB is strongly influenced by orography (ranging from sea level to 2,250 m.a.s.l.) and by Atlantic tropical air masses. The most important climatic system influencing precipitation patterns and temperatures in the region is the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). SACZ is a band of convective activity with high rainfall rates existent throughout the year but stronger during the austral summer (Barreiro et al., 2002). The coastal area in the southwest of the watershed shows higher temperatures and lower precipitation rates compared to the mountain range in the northeast. For instance, Niterói (14 m.a.s.l.), representing the coastal weathering, shows an annual average temperature of 23.0°C while Nova Friburgo (856 m.a.s.l.) and Teresópolis (874 m.a.s.l.), located in the mountainous region, have an annual mean temperature of 18.0°C and 17.5°C, respectively (UFF/FEC, 2010). The maximum temperatures are reached in February (26.5°C in Niterói, 21.3°C in Teresópolis) while the lowest temperatures are experienced in July (19.6°C in Niterói, 13.7°C in Teresópolis).

Moreover, according to the available precipitation data the mean annual precipitation within the watershed varies between 1,200mm and 2,800mm (ANA, 2012). The distribution over the year shows a relevant inter-annual variability with a maximum in the summer months from November until March and a minimum in the winter season from June until August. The orographic precipitation pattern can be observed in the next figure where the precipitation stations Fazenda São Joaquim (275 m.a.s.l.) and Imunana (10 m.a.s.l.) present annual values of 2,195 mm and 1,350 mm, respectively, for the period 1996-2010.

Moreover, the next figure shows the geographical distribution of available precipitations stations. Here, the orographic influence can be better observed since precipitation increases with altitude. However, the Serra dos Orgãos acts as a barrier, since the stations located after the mountain range present lower precipitation rates.


References and further reading:

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